Gravima Integrated Women Empowerment programme was created for the welfare and upliftment of Women of Manipur specially destitute, divorced, widows etc. Some of the schemes currently implemented are as follows:
Integrated Women Empowerment Programme works with the following objectives:-
Establishment of self reliant womens self help group
Creation of confidence and awareness among member of self help group regarding womens status, health, nutrition, education, sanitation and hygiene, legal rights, economic upliftment and other economic and political issues.
Strengthening institutionalizing the habits in rural women and their control over economic resources.
Improving access of women to micro credit.
Involvement of women in local level planning and
Convergence of services of department of women and child development and other department
To implement this scheme Gravima has selected three blocks viz
(i) Senapati
(ii) Churachandpur
(iii) Chandel
Support to Training and Employment Programme (STEP)
The programme aims to increase the self-reliance and autonomy of women by enhancing their productivity and enabling them to take up income generation activities. It provides training for skill up gradation to poor and asset less women in the traditional sectors viz – agriculture, animal husbandry, dairying, fisheries, handlooms, handicrafts, Khadi and village Industries, sericulture, social forestry and wasteland development.
Setting up of Employment-cum-Income Generating units (NORAD)
This programme, aims to improve the lives of poor women by training them in traditional and non-traditional trades viz.- electronics, watch assembly, basic and advanced computer training, garment making, secretariat practice, embroidery etc. and to ensure their employment in these areas given training.
Construction/Expansion of Hostel Building for working Women with a Day Care Center
Under this scheme financial assistance is extended to voluntary organizations, public sector undertakings, state government and Educational Institutions for construction of hostels for working women in order to enhance enrolment of women in unemployment and in technical training. The objective is to provide cheap and safe hostel accommodation to employed women living out of their homes.
Short stay homes for Women and girls (SSH)
The SSH scheme for Women and girls who have no local support systems due to family problems, mental strains, social ostracism, exploitation and other causes. The services extended in these homes include medical care, psychiatric therapy, educational cum vocational training, recreational facilities etc.
A scheme for women in difficult circumstances with the objectives as follows :
To provide primary need of shelter, food, clothing and care to the marginalized women, girls living in difficult circumstances who are without any social and economic support
To provide emotional support and counseling to such women.
To rehabilitate them socially and economically through education, awareness, skill up gradation and personality development through behavioral training etc.
To arrange for specific clinical, legal and other support for women/girls in need of those intervention by linking and net working with other organizations in both Govt. Non-Government sector on case to case basis.
To provide such other services and will be required for the support and rehabilitation to such women in distress.
Target Group /Beneficiaries of SWADHAR
The following shall be the target group beneficiaries of the scheme
Widows deserted by their families and relatives and left uncared near religious places where they are victims of exploitation.
Women prisoners released from jail and without family support.
Women survivors of natural disaster who have been rendered homes and are without any social and economic support.
Trafficked women/girls rescued or run away from brothels or other places or women/girl victims of sexual crimes who are disowned by family or who do not want to go back to respective family for various reasons.
Women victims of terrorist violence who are without any family support and without any economic means for survival.
Mutually disordered women who are without any support of family or relatives
Other schemes for Women
Trainings are organised and conducted for women including School drop-outs in the different traditional and non-traditional trades such as Handloom weaving, type writing & short hand, Readymade Garments, Mosquito Net weaving, Leather, Beauty culture and Computer etc. in collaboration with N.G.Os under the various schemes of Govt. of India.
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Help Us Truly Empower Women
Gravima's Women Empowerment Signature Program’s goal is to provide space to women in rural India experiencing violence, discrimination, injustice, and consequent emotional and mental distress, so they can heal and take control of their lives. Each year we empower approximately 100,000 women through microloans, vocational training, and other skill-building programs that help them start small businesses and financially support their families.
These women and young girls have a voice and they need to be heard.
If we can save even ONE woman from domestic violence, ONE woman from the claws of leukemia by finding a bone marrow donor, send ONE brilliant but needy student to school, motivate even ONE brilliant girl of a prostitute mother to follow her dreams to pursue graduate studies . . . we will consider our mission accomplished and our partnership campaign a good investment.
Gift a woman in rural India with the skills and training she needs to create a better life for her family.
Gift a woman in rural India with the skills and training she needs to create a better life for her family.If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at gramvikasmandalsaihenjang@gmail.com
Kindly Select Your Amount
* Rs. 50 * Rs. 100 * Rs.500 * Rs.1000
* Rs. 1500 * Rs. 2000 * Rs. 2500 * Rs.3000
Integrated Women Empowerment Programme works with the following objectives:-
Establishment of self reliant womens self help group
Creation of confidence and awareness among member of self help group regarding womens status, health, nutrition, education, sanitation and hygiene, legal rights, economic upliftment and other economic and political issues.
Strengthening institutionalizing the habits in rural women and their control over economic resources.
Improving access of women to micro credit.
Involvement of women in local level planning and
Convergence of services of department of women and child development and other department
To implement this scheme Gravima has selected three blocks viz
(i) Senapati
(ii) Churachandpur
(iii) Chandel