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AFFORESTATION ACTIVITIES  Afforestation, Reforestation, Benefits of afforestation, Effects of afforestation, Desert afforestation, Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel, About afforestation, Afforestation of arid areas


Afforestation is the process of introducing trees and tree seedlings to an area that has previously not been forested. Afforestation can be done through tree planting and seeding, naturally or artificially.

Similarly, reforestation can be considered a form of afforestation. Reforestation is the alteration of a non-forested area to a forested area through tree planting and seeding. The difference is that reforestation is the restoration of an area that has been deforested.


Purposes of Afforestation

There are many reasons for restoring an area via afforestation and reforestation, however they vary based on the area. Generally it is done for either conservation or industrial-commercial purposes.

  • Conservational afforestation and reforestation is done in the best interest of the ecosystem. Its purpose is to restore an area that has been destroyed due to previous overuse of the land or to reduce the amount of erosion in the soil in an area and establish a more fertile and stable soil base.

  • Industrial-commercial afforestation and reforestation is done to maintain a good output of wood for pulp and timber demands in a specific area.


Impacts of Afforestation

Afforestation, reforestation and other forms of conservational forestry methods are often thought to be used for stopping the effects of climate change by reducing atmospheric carbon. The issue is which type of tree sequesters the most amount of carbon and does this have a positive or negative effect if any at all? The tree types that are widely discussed are old growth vs young-growth forests. Old growth forests are said to have massive carbon storage capabilities however these trees are capturing carbon incredibly slowly or unable to capture any more. With reforestation, this process is ‘solved’ by cutting down old growth and planting young-growth trees. Unfortunately, when an old growth forest is cut down, a lot of the stored carbon gets released into the atmosphere thus preventing a net positive effect. Afforestation is being thought of as a solution to the reforestation issue. By planting a new young-growth forest in an area that hasn’t previously had a forested, this could be a viable option for sequestering more carbon from the atmosphere. However, planting trees in an area previously unforested could impact the original ecosystem negatively such as reducing soil moisture in an area and forcing many species to leave their preferred habitats.

Issues Affecting Afforestation

Some issues that can arise from afforestation and reforestation is climate change, anthropogenic changes to landscape and increased wood demand. Climate change can have some major effects on the growth and health of newly planted trees. Drought and major temperature fluctuations can cause serious seedling mortality to an area that has been newly planted, ultimately slowing down the restoration process. To reduce the effects of climate change on the restoration process, drought and shade tolerant species are used.

Increasing wood demand is another problem. The rate at which trees are being planted is much slower than the rate of those being cut down for production. The trees need time to grow and without a properly timed planting seasons going hand in hand with deforestation, there can be a potential stasis for the ever increasing wood demand.

Climate change is also changing the success of pests like the mountain pine beetle. In North America, as temperatures rise in the west and winters are becoming warmer, the pine beetle populations aren't dying out as they are supposed to in the winter. Map link show the difference between tree cover gain and loss in British Columbia from 2001 to 2014 taken from the global forest watch interactive map. The pink dots represent tree cover loss and the blue dots represent tree forest gain.[8]


See- The Effect of Deforestation & Climate changes

What GRAVIMA does To Promote Afforestation

GRAVIMA understand -Afforestation is capable of slowing down soil erosion as well as desertification. Green zones and forested areas are necessary since trees consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen that we need. Afforestation can be best achieved in the desert or used to claim abandoned lands that were once fertile.

​Measures GRAVIMA formulates to promote Afforestation

1. Regulation on the cutting of trees

The main reason for the increased deforestation is the industrial demand of trees. Although trees are perennial resource, large-scale exploitation can lead to the impossible revival. Regulated cutting and use of the rotational system can result in good timber crop harvesting without depleting the forest.

2. Controlling forest fires

Forest fires may start by natural means, although in most cases it’s by man either intentionally or non-intentionally. To save our forest, more advanced techniques of fire detection, an extinguishing must be adopted.

3. Increasing the percentage of land area under afforestation

Neglected areas that were previously used in farming should be used for tree growth. It will result in a qualitative use of abandoned soils thus a diversified afforestation.

4. Training the public on the importance of tree planting

Many people tend to assume afforestation due to their ignorance. Increased public awareness will lead to the development of green cities as well as develop an alternative to deforestation. Afforestation should be matured in kids so that the culture is passed on to the next generation.

5. Government involvement in afforestation

Although most governments of every country are particular on forest conservation, they are not implemented effectively. They should develop rules regulation with a strict follow-up like surveys on agro-forestry resources, control the commercial use of forest and allocation of proper land for afforestation.


In summary, afforesting can be achieved by collective efforts of the government, nongovernmental organizations as well as the public. It is among the positive efforts to curb the destruction and over-use of natural forest. With a proper planning of appropriate sites afforestation can be commercially viable solution of balancing the nature

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