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The Status of Women in India

Today, there is much discussion on gender equality and women empowerment. It is a multi-faceted and deeply rooted issue in all countries. There is not one single solution to promote gender equality, nor will the problem be solved quickly. However, small steps can be taken to create significant change, and impact in the lives of women all around the world.

OUR OBJECTIVE: Ensuring women's Empowerment in India

GRAVIMA's Women Empowerment Committee (WE) has been striving to find simple and effective solutions to truly and completely empower rural women in India.

Our Programs

The women who our program impacts have limited education, and therefore have few skills that can translate to an income or self-sufficient life. They also come from traditional families, where women are not given the same importance or value as men. The WE committee decided on providing these women with the following:

      1. Vocational training, such as fashion design and computer training , to provide skills for employment or starting her own business

      2. Financial management skills, to teach women the basic principles of budgeting and saving their own money for their futures

      3. Self-defense lessons, to empower women in the truest sense and help them defend themselves physically when necessary

      4. Confidence training, to help undo the traditional mindset of inferiority their communities have instilled in them and to help them blossom into confident, self-sufficient women

      5. A safe space, for women escaped from red-light districts along with legal protection, governmental services, and education

      6. Gender equality education, for both boys and girls from a young age to change the way women are viewing in society.

Story of Inspirations.....

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