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Writer's pictureSerto Rocky Kom


What is the role of NGOs in rural development?

More scope has been provided to NGOs by the government for rural development through the agricultural development policies as well as their implementation mechanisms. ... They help in mobilizing the local resources to be used for development. NGOs help in building a self-reliant and sustainable society.

What are the main functions of NGOs?

NGO activities include, but are not limited to, environmental, social, advocacy and human rights work. They can work to promote social or political change on a broad scale or very locally. NGOs play a critical part in developing society, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation. How do governments and NGOs assist in economic development?

Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) play an important role in the economic development of developing countries. They provide services to society through welfare works for community development, assistance in national disasters, sustainable system development, and popular movements. NGOs in India: Since ancient times, social service has been an integral part of Indian culture. Soon after Independence, a number of NGOs had emerged in India. Mahatma Gandhi even pleaded to dissolve the Indian National Congress and transform it to a Lok Seva Sangh (Public Service Organization). Though his plea was rejected, but the followers of Mahatma Gandhi started many voluntary agencies to work on various social as well as economic issues of the country. This was the first phase of NGOs in India. The second phase of NGO development started in 1960 when it was felt that just the government programs were not sufficient to complete the task of development in rural areas. Many groups were formed whose role was to work at grass root levels. Moreover, favorable state policies had drastically affected the formation of NGOs and their roles at that time. Over the years, the role of NGOs in rural development of India increased. At present too, their role significantly changes with the change in the policies of the government through different plans. In the sixth five-year plan (1980-1985), a new role for NGOs in the rural development had been identified by the government. In the seventh five- year plan (1985-1990), the Indian government envisaged an active role of NGOs in developing self-reliant communities. These groups were supposed to show how the village resources along with human resource, skill, local knowledge that is greatly underutilized could be used for their own development. As NGOs were working in close connection with local people so bringing such a change was not a tough task for them. Owing to this, in the eighth five-year plan, more importance to NGOs for rural development in India had been given. Under this scheme, a nation- wide NGO network had been created. The role of these agencies was the rural development at a low cost. In the ninth five-year plan, it has been proposed that NGOs would play a significant role in the  development on the  public-private partnership model. More scope has been provided to NGOs by the government for rural development through the agricultural development policies as well as their implementation mechanisms. As with every five-year plan, the role of NGOs in the rural development of India is growing, so NGOs are now attracting professionals from different fields. NGOs act as planners and implementers of developmental plans. They help in mobilizing the local resources to be used for development. NGOs help in building a self-reliant and sustainable society. These agencies play the role of mediator between people and government. NGOs are actually the facilitator of development, education and professionalization. Hurdles in the way to rural development: A major problem that NGOs are facing in India is their dependency upon government funds or external donations. With this dependency, NGOs are less flexible in carrying out their task as most of the tasks depend upon funds. Moreover, the structures of NGOs have become bureaucratic in nature leading to a decreased effectiveness in the overall development. Then the traditional thinking of rural people, their poor understanding, and low level of education for comprehending new technology and efforts, lack of awareness are people related hurdles that NGOs are facing. Villages also lack infrastructure facilities like water, electricity, educational institutes, communication facilities that leads to their slow development. Apart from these, there are certain problems like economics such as high cost technology, underprivileged rural industries, social and cultural differences, conflicts between different groups, administrative problems like political interference, lack of motivation and interest act as hurdles on the way to rural development in India. But in spite of all the hurdles, NGOs will keep on working for rural development in India. NGOs selectively utilized the local talent, train the individuals and use this for rural development. But the complete success of the rural development actually depends upon the willingness and active participation of rural people in the development processes and efforts. Impediments in the way to Rural Development: In operational context the major issues facing by the NGOs are the lack of qualified individuals who would like to work in the rural areas. Another major problem that NGOs are facing in India is their dependency upon government funds or external donations. With this dependency, NGOs are less flexible in carrying out their task as most of the tasks depend upon funds. Moreover, the structures of NGOs have become bureaucratic in nature leading to a decreased effectiveness in the overall development. Then the traditional thinking of rural people, their poor understanding because of high rate of illiteracy for comprehending new technology and efforts, lack of awareness among people related hurdles that NGOs are facing. Villages also lack infrastructure facilities like water, electricity, educational institutes, communication facilities that leads to their slow development. Major role seen for NGO’s in rural development: As economic reform and liberalization saw the Government vacating several areas to let private sector entrepreneurship flourish and contribute to the high growth rate of the economy in recent years, a similar paradigm shift is needed to transform NGOs from their dependence on aid and grants from within and outside for transforming the rural scenario in the country. This is sought to be achieved for the NGOs through engaging them in micro-finance, micro insurance, and micro-entrepreneurship activities for the overall development of the rural areas and to promote the welfare of the people of rural India, Better credibility: As NGOs get finance generated through their own activities. Their credibility vastly improves and their service to rural people gets reinforced. Special Sessions: The meet will feature sessions on NGO/SHG products, finance and marketing, rural connectivity, energy needs and new technologies, employment opportunities for rural youth, role of NGOs in the field of rural education, experience sharing with the performing NGOs in the field of organic farming, value-added agriculture, food processing, animal husbandry, environment, forests and natural resource management. The Union Minister for Rural Development, Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, will inaugurate the meet; the Union Home Minister, Mr. Shirvraj Patil, will address the participants. An assessment of the Role of NGO’s in Rural Development: The NGOs have taking active participation in rural development. The rural poor and socially depressed classes are mainly depending upon the operations of NGOs. No particular job is particularly meant for the NGOs. Thus, there is a huge competition among the NGOs to extend the services for the benefit of the poor. At the same time we should not forget the mushrooming of the NGOs for their welfare. The following are the important activities should take up for the development of the poor.

  1. Numerous activities can be undertaken under agriculture sector. The jobs/projects like distributing planting materials, cattle, poultry, minor irrigation, free medical care for cattle’s, safe drinking water for animals etc.

  2. Health programmes for human and non-human beings:

The works like pit drainage, housing, creation of smokeless environment, good drinking water for animals and human beings, regular health checkup camps etc. will improve the health conditions of the human and non-human beings. 3. The community development programs like adoption of villages for development, moral support during flood and famine period, supply of food and drinking water during flood, common well, training programs for the rural youths, housing projects, repair and renovation of houses etc will satisfy the basic necessities. The important program like training programs for the rural poor will hold the youths from rural exodus. Even this type of training programs may also be extended for the rural women, so that we can expect self- sustenance among this community. 4. The personality development programs, skill development programs, educational programs, integrated development projects etc will enable the rural poor to earn bread and butter. 5. The important problem in the present context is availability of the market for the products of rural enterprises. Therefore, an NGO has a direct link with the government for marketing of the goods. Apart from this, NGO can also go for training the rural youths in fabrication works, wood works, beedi rolling, agarbathi manufacturing, printing press etc. 6. The government (central, state or local) support at all level is inevitable for rural development. NGOs alone cannot do miracles overnight. Therefore, the government should watch and ward the working of NGOs at phase wise manner. Thus, the fund or whatever may be directly should move to beneficiaries. The NGOs should accountable for the funds. Role and Effectiveness of NGOs in Rural Development work: Major rural development programmes of the NGOs were agricultural programmes, health programmes, human resource development programmes, community development and industrial and trade programmes. Majority of the beneficiaries, non- beneficiaries, workers of NGOs and workers of other development agencies considered rural development works of the NGOs as effective for rural development. Studies reveal that the NGOs can play a vital role in the development. The role of state in the planning process, political parties, participation, active participation of grassroots organizations, role of donor agencies etc. are important for ensuring people participation and socio-economic development of the people. Poverty eradication, HRD, health care, environmental protection, protection of human rights, empowerment of women, child and weaker sections, ushering in silent revolution etc. are some of the importance goals of NGOs. This study was based on NGOs functions including villager’s socio–economic changes, health and sanitary condition, economic security, education and status of self-employment, increase in irrigated area, animal resources and Cropping Intensity, increase in yield of the crops under Demonstration and changes in crop management practices, the operational constraints in the functioning of NGOs and perception of the beneficiaries. However, this study also point out that expecting radical’s social change through voluntary effort is also a kind of day-dreaming and add that the socio-economic structure and states positives attitudes towards NGOs also contribute for its growing role in the development process. Conclusion: In this way the NGO’s can bring the awareness among the poor rural people. It is now the need of the society as well as the nation to make these rural area and people competent to be aware about their fundamental rights. NGO’s are the only organizations that could make the rural area developed.

Extract from research study and finding by. Prof. D. S. Jadhav Assistant Professor,

Republished by Serto R Kom

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