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PART V-Baseline Survey of Minority Concentrated Districts. Churachandpur

Writer's picture: Serto Rocky KomSerto Rocky Kom

PART V DEVELOPMENT DEFICITS The overall analysis in earlier sections reveals that Churachandpur, on an average, is a performing district in some facets of development. While in certain fronts the district shows impressive results, in some others it has revealed a few areas of concern. Major issues of the district are improving the quality of life parameters through public provisioning of basic social services and benefits, enhancing employment opportunities along with the development of agriculture since most of the people are engaged in agricultural activities only. Provisioning of basic amenities like housing, drinking water, roads and electricity together with improvements in connectivity and communication have emerged as priority areas for development interventions. Securing children’s lives through interventions in better reproductive health care should also be viewed with some priority. The Baseline identifies the following development deficits and assigns priority to the core sectors in the following way:

Development deficits and plan priority Sl. No Indicators Survey Estimate Deficit Priority

Result for India Ranking attached Socio-economic indicators 1 Rate of literacy 98.5 67.30 31.2 9 2 Rate of female literacy 97.8 57.10 40.7 10 3 Work participation rate 36.6 38.00 -1.4 7

4 Female work participation rate 14.9 21.50 -6.6 6 Basic amenities indicators 5 Percentage of pucca houses 1.6 59.40 -57.8 2

6 Percentage of households with

access to safe drinking water 14.1 87.90 -73.8 1 7 Percentage of households

with sanitation facilities 1.2 39.20 -38.0 3 8 Percentage of electrified

households 36.7 67.90 -31.2 4 Health indicators 9 Percentage of fully vaccinated

children 48.8 43.50 5.3 8 10 Percentage of institutional

delivery 21.6 38.70 -17.1 5 Provisioning of safe drinking water is the top most priority area. This has been found as most important from the peoples’ perspective as well. Providing potable drinking water source well within the reach of people will have many dimensions in development

including health related issues. It should be seen that common ailments reported have water quality involved therein. Housing emerges as another top most priority in district. However, terrain and climatic conditions must form important considerations while designing housing plan for the people. It may be possible to provide the other amenity support to households. It should be kept in mind that most of the households are either katcha or semi –pucca basically because of convenience. Nonetheless providing better housing facilities is a priority in the district. Sanitation is a priority for development planning in the district. Low cost sanitation can be seen as an important intervention in the district. Rural electrification is another are where significant intervention is required. This will not only provide source of lighting but will also help in modernisation of agriculture. It will usher in other productive ventures including small manufacturing and petty business activities. Importance of health facilities, particularly reproductive health care including child vaccination has been reiterated by the estimated development gaps and priority assigned. Employment is one of the core issues of development planning. Providing gainful employment is essential for improving the economic conditions of the people. This more so because agriculture as an option of livelihood has become increasingly non- remunerative. Un-economic holding is preventing the sector from modernisation. People also ranked employment as the most important option for policy intervention. Roads and communication has been a priority from the people’s perspective. Improving the roads along with employment generation can be a good option for policies like employment guarantee schemes in the district. Skill development is another issue which have employment dimensions. People’s aspiration and education level of people must be considered for imparting skill development trainings. These areas can be addressed by way of toping up of the existing schemes and also by designing specific target based schemes. Convergence of various development schemes and effective implementation of these schemes at the grassroots hold the key of successful development in the district.



1 Khuanggin

2 Torbung

3 New Lamka

4 Bangmual

5 Gangpimual

6 Chongkhojou

7 Chongchin

8 Tuolbung

9 Phailien

10 Khotuh

11 Thanlon

12 Suangsang

13 Zenhang Lamka

14 Tuibong

15 Saihenjang

16 Maite

17 Senvon

18 Parbung

19 Mual Vaphei

20 Molzol

21 Sumtuh (Sumtuk)

22 Mong-on

23 Hiangtam Lamka

24 Ngaljang

25 Sadu Khoiroi

26 Sumchinvum


Baseline Survey of Minority Concentrated Districts District Report CHURACHANDPUR Study Commissioned by Ministry of Minority Affairs Government of India Study Conducted by Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development: Guwahati-1 VIP Road, Upper Hengerabari, Guwahati 781036

Commissioned by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, this Baseline Survey was planned for

90 minority concentrated districts (MCDs) identified by the Government of India across the country, and the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi coordinates the entire survey.

Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati has been assigned to carry out the Survey for four states of the Northeast, namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Manipur.

This report contains the results of the survey for Churachandpur district of Manipur.

The help and support received at various stages from the villagers, government officials and all other individuals are most gratefully acknowledged.

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