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( Brief History)

About the founder:

            Born on the 3rdApril 1981 at Upper Kom Keirap Village. Rocky is the second son of inter-marriage between a Hindu man named Kesho and a Christian woman name Awang Kom in the remote place of Manipur state back in the nineteen-eighties (1980’s). The irony is that soon even before his birth the father on grounds of caste and religion had abandoned the mother and the child thereafter his mother returned to her tribal parentage home and thus gave birth to him at Upper Kom Keirap village. As time went by Rocky adopted the title of his mother’s family first name (Serto) and in due time the maternal uncle offered to incorporate his name as father for the sake of educational persuade. Thus he came to acquire the title and surname of maternal family, viz. Serto Rocky Kom.

            Being born and brought up in a very poor family. Life was a challenge for the family from the start both in livelihood and schooling front. However, His mother sacrificed every bit of her energy to send him to school to start with, in the local school and then to a Christian boarding school called  Bethany Christian High School at Churachandpur from Class VI onward. It was hard for the mother to provide monthly boarding fees at that time merely from zoom cultivation. Therefore sometimes the fees were exempted by the school, on grounds that Serto Rocky Kom was hard working boy and always a top one in his class. He managed to survive with only one uniform suite with a lee-shoes for the whole year. It was at this juncture, Serto as a growing boy began to realize the extreme condition he is in being fatherless and growing in a below-poverty line family.

            Instead of being discouraged. He took up courage to work harder in study and manage to complete his HSLC Board exam from BOSEM. Despite lack of financial support from the family,, his aunty sold a cow and with the money Serto went to Bangalore for higher education in 1988 and got himself admitted in the college but later opted for technical education and completed Computer Sc engineering all the while supported himself by taking up part time and odd jobs with all hardship that comes with it. On and off starvation was common experience for him in the struggle.

            On completion, Serto return to Manipur and tried his luck to secure well paying job but failed to secure any due to the prevailing red-tapes in the process. Thus it lead him to turned toward teaching profession in private schools both in Manipur and Mizoram since 2003 till 2018 and self employment option by providing services in hardware and software solution to institutions, Military battalion at a fee in return for his services and also involved himself in social works for the society. He was awarded online recognition plague E365 Entrepreneur challenge championship in 2015 and as fast tracker by Strong Future International USA. In the process he witnesses the conditions and plights of the under-privileged section of the society in rural communities. Especially, women and child in poor families who struggles to make their ends meet on daily basis in the absence of proper education, financial support in the right manner and on time.


Based on the Proverb “ Where there is no vision, the people perished.” Which highlight the fact that without a long term plan- without a vision- people are doomed to wander aimlessly. This gave birth to a VISION. Thus a Vision was christened in 2005. “RURAL ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION” with the formation of an association with like minded volunteers, a non-profit was setup and got registered with the Registrar of Society. Registered under Section 7(1) of the Manipur Societies Registration Act, 1989. (Manipur Act No.1 of 1990) .  Regn. No.199 of 2005. Embracing the-

                 Vision:- of a society where women and children have the guaranteed opportunities of development that enables them exercise their right to education, health, and livelihood and social security. To play a vibrant role in the national endeavor of developing rural India through technological transformation and market led development; and participating in addressing policy, financial, development, market, technology, resource and capacity building related needs for livelihood security, farm profitability and sustainability of our environment and agriculture.

              Mission:- to uplifting the status of women especially those from the marginalized section of the society through various development initiatives. Encourage and facilitate rural communities to adopt through education an integrated approach to agriculture and work towards achieving better returns and economic success in the face of Liberalization and Globalization and


  • To promote community based organizations at grassroots level for sustainable development in rural and coastal areas.

  • To provide livelihood promotion and social inclusion services to the poor and low income clients in rural and semi urban areas with innovative solutions.

  • To promote value based education among children, women and youth for holistic development.

  • To provide capacity building to various stakeholders and undertake evidence based research on various development themes.

  • To work on various issues like HIV/AIDS prevention, Environment and Climate change.

  • To network with Government, NGOs, and CBOs for advocacy and policy level changes.

  So far! Since its inception; the organization has come a long way through trials and experiences thus far in a humble way. It survives only on members contribution and well-wishers’ support making impact in building rapport stealthily with the communities far and near and helping SHGs for women empowerment and other socially viable livelihood programmes. Thus the organization strives to reach the vision the founder envisaged to make the society and world a better place to live in and march forward on way to inclusive participation. It means increase happiness for the family and the organizations where all citizens make a difference.

With your support, we will be able to accomplish a society where women and children have the guaranteed opportunities of development that enables them exercise their right to education, health, and livelihood and social security in the coming years. Looking forward for opportunities to work with you and fulfill the noble cause you are committed for.

Thanking you


(Serto Heneichong Kom)


Rural economic & Social Development Organisation (RESDO)

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